Monday, May 27, 2013

a real post

i always feel like i'm kinda cheating when i post my lists. i mean, yes, it's blogging, but i don't feel like it's :real: blogging. i mean, i'm throwing a boatload of random tidbits out to the world. doesn't feel legit. so, here is my attempt to write an honest to goodness blog post at 1:45 in the morning {yes, i know it's past my bedtime}.

it's summertime and i'm taking it easy. it feels strange. for the past 2 years, i've rushed around juggling high school, college, friends and family. now that it's all over with {high school and stage 1 of college....i kept the friends and family thing. ;)}, i actually have the opportunity to step back and breathe. interesting. i think i could get used to this. don't know how capable i'll be of handling classes once fall rolls around, but we'll burn that bridge when we get there. no need to worry about tomorrow's trouble's tonight {er, this morning}.

something i do want to accomplish this summer is making a summer bucket list. i've seen everyone else's floating around on the internet....think i shall have to jump aboard this band wagon. i have a mental list of things i want to it's just a matter of communicating my thoughts to paper. that should be interesting.

i've been using my free time rather wisely. i've nearly completely caught up on my show "call the midwife". oh my garsh, i love that show! had fallen behind on it, but now that i actually have time to spare, i'm just about up to date on all the event of Jenny Lee and her friends. it's been quite the exciting season! every episode just keeps getting better and better. but don't go asking me for any details....just go watch it yourself. it'll be well worth your while. promise.

anyhooo...this summer i'm taking my first education class {yes, i know i'm supposed to be taking it easy, but i don't think 1 online class will kill me!}. it's really quite exciting. i mean, my textbook is saying things like, "as a future teacher..." and "you will need to know [blank] to intergrate into your own classroom.". eek! such statements make me very, very happy. other statements in the book make me groan. like, everything else in the book. it's a technology class....and the material is either too complex that only a nerd wearing oxford glasses and a bow tie would need to know it, or so basic that my 3-year-old cousin could master it. please, publishers...consider your audience before forcing this $100 book upon us! {you'll excuse my ranting. this week's chapter was especially mind-numbing}.

that's all my poor, over-taxed brain can muster at the moment. good night, y'all....

oh!-and happy memorial day!

Monday, May 20, 2013


sometimes...i can type up a blog post no problem. my amature typing skills aren't fast enough to keep up with my thoughts. and other times...well...let's just say i wait a while for inspiration to come my way.

sometimes...i have *odd* dreams. the other day i married tim tebow (now that's a good kind of strange! :)); last night, i put out a forrest fire. yeah...i'm a little concerned too.

sometimes...i dream big. other times, i'm content to sit back and do nothing but watch blimey cow videos. {if you've never seen any of their videos, you're not living! check them out at this link}

sometimes...i can't wait to go out and conquer the world. other times...i just want to stay in my pajamas all day. maybe get a bowl of ice-cream...yeah, that's a good alternative.

sometimes....i want to have hair like rapunzel. other times, i want to shave it all off and see what color it comes back. i think that would be interesting.

sometimes...i'll think i'm turning into a semi-normal person...and then i'll have some spooky, random thought (like shaving my head just for the heck of it) and wonder if i'll ever be able to function in normal human society.

sometimes...i want to be able to function in normal human society. then other times, i'll look around and decide it's way more fun being me.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I Survived...and I'm blogging again....

Well, I'm confident that by now that the few readers I had have long since given up on me. Who can blame them, really. It has been over 3 months. And so much has happened in those 12 weeks.

Let me start off by reassuring y'all that I did indeed survive my 2 (count 'em! not 1, but 2!) math classes! God was so good to me in getting me through this semester. No, I can't say I came away with a new understanding and appreciation of and for math, but I survived. Even got a B in algebra! <<That was the most lovely suprise of the entire semester! :) I was also juggling a science and history class all semester wasn't too bad, but in history, I had a massive research paper that I had to do. That was not fun. I normally enjoy writing, but that paper had me worried. But once again, God came through. :)

And because God came through for me, I sit here today a college graduate! My final semester was tough-probably the toughest I experienced at Santa Fe (yes, I said that every single semester, but this one was legit tough!). But it was so worth it when I went with my friend to pick up our cap and gown...when we decorated our caps...and of course, when I walked across that stage to get my "diploma" (a little rolled up piece of copy paper with a gold sticker on it...but still!). My graduation weekend was absolutely splendid. After the graduation ceremony that Friday night (and supper at Olive Garden!), we spent Saturday celebrating with family and friends. I was absolutely thrilled to have all the people I love all together. Couldn't have been more perfect...well, it was raining...could have done without that, but we had fun anyhow! ;)

So now that sweet summertime is here, my life has slowed down greatly. I still have some online summer classes (no rest for the weary! lol.), but it's a very light load compared to what I'm used to. I love having free time. Yes, I am one of those *strange* people who kinda enjoys school, but after 2 years of hard labor, it's nice to change things up a bit. ;)

Plans for the summer? Oh I don't know....I'll figure those out as I go along. For now, I'm just gonna enjoy the opportunity to be lazy. Yes...I think that's gonna work out just fine.