Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Senior Picture Ideas

So this year, I am a senior in high school. Whoop, whoop! Very, very say the least! ;) Something I am most exicted is my senior pictures. A wonderful woman from our homeschool group is going to be taking them next month, so I've been browsing around trying to get some ideas of what I like. Here are a few things I'm considering thus far....

...balloons. I think balloons would be so cool to incorporate into the pictures.

...books. Like I've mentioned before...I'm a book worm, so I for sure have to use books as a prop. :)

....umbrellas. I have this adorable zebra striped umbrella that's going to look awesome! :)

....records. I really have no idea how I could use these in my phot shoot, but I'd love to figure out a way to work them in there. Any ideas?

So those are just a few of my ideas....I'm very open to hearing y'all's, so if you have any suggestions, drop me a note!

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